Pawn Loans
When you pawn an item, you are not selling it! A loan associate will provide an in-depth test and evaluation of your item’s value. After coming to an agreement, a loan is given to you in cash while we hold onto the item as collateral. We have the lowest interest rate in Tucson. Our interest is up to 50% less than our competitors. Call us for more details. The loan terms are 90 days in the state of Arizona. Unlike other pawn institutions, we offer an additional 60 days grace period to recover your items. Standard 8% per month interest applies. You must have a valid state or federal issued ID or passport.
Selling to Our Local Pawning Shop
We are always looking to buy quality pre-owned merchandise. We may sometimes offer more to purchase your item if it is in high demand at our store. The process is simple; bring in your goods and one of our associates will make a competitive offer for your item. You must have a valid state or federal issued ID or passport.
For more information about our loans available in Tucson, Arizona, call us at (520) 790-7404 or (520) 445-6868.